Thursday, January 2, 2014

HELLRAISERS HOUSE: SteelSoulsMC does charity at the Commuity FoodBank...

HELLRAISERS HOUSE: SteelSoulsMC does charity at the Commuity FoodBank...: Order tickets via Eventbrite: e/ steel-soulsmc-charity-work- at-the-foodbank-tickets-35 72245683?aff=efbevent St...

SteelSoulsMC does charity at the Commuity FoodBank in Hillside, NJ

Order tickets via Eventbrite:

Steel SoulsMC will be starting off the year by doing some charity work at the Community FoodBank of NJ in Hillside on January 25th at 9am!

Help us help other people less fortunate than ourselves and coming out and helping us do some charity from 9am to 11:30am!

Breakfast and beverages will be served that morning and all are welcome to come out and help! For more info, please talk to any Steel SoulsMC member!