Sunday, September 5, 2010

Football or Degrading Women

I was recently going thru the channels and I saw some scantily clad women running around in a commercial on some music channel. The commercial was so fast that I didn't really didn't get a chance to catch it.
But after seeing the commercial again a few days later i saw it was a commercial for women's football. I have no problem with women having their own sports, but this takes the cake. Let me ask you women this is a real sport or is this degrading?
In my opinion this is just a watered version of football with women running around with hockey style helmets, bras, panties. And from what I understand the sport caters to women who couldn't further their career in such sports as track & field, volleyball, soccer, basketball and so forth.
If you like this, it's your choice, but it's not for me, tell me what you think. If you need more info on this go to:


  1. Yeah for some it can be degrading but for others it doesn't matter. You can choose to watch it or choose not to support it. In this day and age sex sells and I perceive this to be purely entertainment and not a sport. To each his own. To me this sends a message that women cannot be taken seriously when it comes to playon football. So the people in charge of coming up with this concept of women running around I their underwear is to draw viewers and boost ratings. The choice is up to the viewers or whether this bafoonery will succeed!

  2. I finally saw one of these games if thats what you want to call it. Its low brow its sexist its exciting I am man I must watch again.

  3. In my opinion, this is degrading. Everytime it comes to "sex selling" it's always the women that are being exploited. You will never, ever see men running around in their underwear for entertainment because they are the ones that are the expoliters. I mean to each his own, if you want to watch it by all means do so. But it's just a shame that women will do anything for the spotlight or a buck or because a man says so. Just my opinion.

  4. Seeing as they are playing with very little clothing and therefore, little protective gear, obviously this "sport" has nothing to do with actual football. That is all fine, but please let's not call it Football then, as that is an insult to the sport. There are some real women's football leagues out there actually playing the real game, and if I were one of them I'd want to kick these chicks' asses.
