Happy New Year to everyone. I hope last year was eventful for all, and this year we're starting off the new year right by doing a MLK party. I have teamed with the gentleman of Luxe Kultur (www.LuxeKultur.com) to create a new entity called Crown Entertainment. We have put together a evening of partying and good times at Club Marlos on 702 Lyons Ave, in Irvington, N.J.
Door Open: 8pm until
Cover: $10.00 at the door
Light Buffet will be served
For more info contact us by phone or on Twitter: Baki: 973-865-8490 (@Seriousbok), Carlton: 973-902-1723 (@Crownprince1) or myself: 908-531-3076 (@Steelsouls)
I will be in the building!!